Castaway-5 Seconds of Summer

Castaway-5 Seconds of Summer

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Castaway-5 Seconds of Summer樂譜簡介

Castaway》由澳大利亞流行朋克樂隊5 Seconds of Summer演唱。自發行以來,此曲受到了廣泛的關注和好評。它不僅在音樂榜單上取得了不錯的成績,還在全球範圍內引起了共鳴,特別是那些經曆過青春愛情波折的聽衆。



Young love close the chapter there's no ever after
Fell fast ended faster yeah
Late night conversations led to complications
Now my heart is in my hands
Cause you walked out and left me stranded
Nothing left but picture frames
And I just keep on asking myself
How'd we drift so far away from where we left off yesterday
I'm lonely like a castaway
Heartbreak that I can't escape a sinking ship I'll never save
I'm lonely like a castaway
All your screaming whispers slip right through my fingers
But these memories linger on
Eyes closed all I see is good times disappearing
And I'm trying to hold on
Cause you walked out and left me stranded
Nothing left but picture frames
I just keep on asking myself
How'd we drift so far away from where we left off yesterday
I'm lonely like a castaway
Heartbreak that I can't escape a sinking ship I'll never save
I'm lonely like a castaway
Castaway castaway
How'd we drift so far away from where we left off yesterday
I'm lonely like a castaway
How'd we drift so far away from where we left off yesterday
I'm lonely like a castaway
Heartbreak that I can't escape a sinking ship I'll never save
I'm lonely like a castaway

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