Be Kind-Marshmello ft Halsey

Be Kind-Marshmello ft Halsey

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Be Kind雙手簡譜和五線譜完全對應。

Be Kind是Marshmello聯手Halsey一同合作的單曲。歌曲從短暫的嘈雜中把旋律與節奏切入,將密集的Hi-Hat揉入旋律中,極大增強了歌曲飽滿度。Halsey粗犷而獨特的磁性嗓音向來都不乏情感塑造力,于旋律中自由穿梭,以這樣唯美而深情的姿態成爲整首歌情感表達的主軸。在密集的鼓組與若即若離的迷離電音的構架下,歌曲緩緩釀出了80年代複古舞曲的韻味。



歌詞下方是Be Kind鋼琴譜,大家可以免費下載學習

Be Kind歌詞:

Wanna believe
Wanna believe
That you don't have a bad bone in your body
But the bruises on your ego make you go wild wild wild yeah
Wanna believe
Wanna believe
That even when you're stone cold
You're sorry
Tell me why you gotta be so outta your mind yea
I know you're chokin' on your fears
Already told you I'm right here
I will stay by your side
Every night
I don't know why you hide from the one
And close your eyes to the one
Mess up and lie to the one that you love
When you know you can cry to the one
Always confide in the one
You can be kind to the one that you love
I know you need I know you need
The upper hand even when we aren't fighting
Cuz in the past you had to prepare every time yeah
Don't wanna leave don't wanna leave
But if you're gonna fight then do it for me
I know you're built to love but broken now so just try
I know you're chokin' on your fears
Already told you I'm right here
I will stay by your side
Every night
I don't know why you hide from the one
And close your eyes to the one
Mess up and lie to the one that you love
When you know you can cry to the one
Always confide in the one
You can be kind to the one that you love
I know it's hard for you but it's not fair
Going sick in the head tryna get you there
And I know it's hard for you but it's not fair
It's not fair
I don't know why you hide from the one
And close your eyes to the one
Mess up and lie to the one that you love
When you know you can cry to the one
Always confide in the one
You can be kind to the one that you love
When you know you can cry to the one
Always confide in the one
You can be kind to the one that you love

Be Kind-Marshmello ft Halsey五線譜預覽 ( 共4張 )


Be Kind-Marshmello ft Halsey雙手簡譜預覽 ( 共4張 )


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